Frequently Asked Questions
What is Free Throws for Kids (FTFK) mission?
To show hope and God’s love to kids and families at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Ronald McDonald House in a very practical way.
What is Free Throws for Kids?
It’s an annual event where teams of 4-10 people collectively shoot 500 free throws.
You don’t have to be good at shooting free throws. Granny shots count!
Each team has a goal to raise $1,250 or more.
There are 24 hoops set up on one basketball court at Lakota West High School.
In total over 24,000 free throws are shot over 2 sessions throughout the day.
Live scoring and awards for the highest % of free throws made by a team are given.
Best shooter contest at end of each session.
The event is high energy and lots of fun.
There is FREE popcorn.
Family friendly.
$20 Hoop Contest with amazing prizes.
Unlike 5K where you often get quickly separated you get to talk and hang out with you friends.
When & where is the event?
Saturday, April 1, 2023 @ Lakota West HS Gym (Union Centre Blvd in WC)
8:30 am-10:30 am (1st session)
11:00 am-1:00 pm (2nd session)
How do you sign up?
- (
Email and questions to:
Where does the money go?
(1) Surprise over 1,000 kids and families throughout the year at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital with care packages. The packages have comfort items like a fleece blanket and journal, plus gift cards for fuel, food, and the hospital cafeteria.
(2) Donate $3,000 each month to the Cincinnati Ronald McDonald House for salad bar food. Each weekday, over 177 families now have a healthier eating option because of the FTFK salad bar & ongoing food donation.
(3) Grant $10,000 to Cincinnati's Liberty branch social services department to help kids and families with real-time, immediate assistance.
(4) Donate $500 each month for a "FTFK Care Cart" for families at Cincinnati Children's Hospital.
The money raised goes DIRECTLY to the cause…we don’t have paid staff – everyone 100% volunteers their time & efforts.
How can you get involved with FTFK?
Start a team and be a Team Captain (this is the #1 way to help).
Join a team as a free throw shooter.
Be a sponsor.
Make a donation.
Volunteer (event day, care package assembly, care package delivery, preparing and serving a meal at the Ronald McDonald House, etc.)
What does a Team Captain do?
Fun, simple & very little time.
All skills level welcome…bring on the granny shot.
Recruit 3-9 people you know.
Raise a total of $1,250 (if your team has 10 people, $125 per).
We provide all fundraising material for you and your own team and personal webpage for online donations.
Collectively shoot 500 free throws at event with your team.
What does a Free Throw Shooter do?
Help your team raise the $1,250 team goal.
Collectively shoot 500 free throws at event with your team.
How did FTFK start?
A visit to Children’s Hospital in college pulled at Mark’s heart to help families in need. Years went by & one day while shooting hoops at the gym Mark had the amazing idea to combine his love for basketball and help families in a practical way. While he was brainstorming the idea a family in his small group was going through the loss of their child at Children’s Hospital and a care package was created. Mark brought the vision to his small group and Free Throws for Kids was born.
How many people participate?
In 2019 we had 85 teams & 704 shooters. (This was our last live event because of COVID.)
How much money has the event raised?
2014: $42k
2015: $109k
2016: $124k
2017: $148k
2018: $154K
2019: $189K
2020: $122K (COVID)
2021: $16K (COVID, Disney raffle)
2022: $128K
Total: $1,000,000+
Why has FTFK been so successful?
Incredible supporters…participants, sponsors, volunteers, donors.
Amazing board members.
Simply put, people believe in our mission and they understand where the money goes.
Stories/Feedback from Care Package recipients and FTFK Salad Bar:
“We were finally able to check out of Ronald McDonald House (RMH) last Saturday after 233 days. The wonderful salad bar helped sustain me for the 8 months.”
2 different annual free throw shooters at the event eventually had babies…and those babies had complications and THEY received a FTFK care package.
The head chef at the RMH said the FTFK salad bar was a truly a game changer for the families and their “Taste of Hope” program.
“The super soft little donkey makes a great cuddle friend when my child is not feeling well.”
“The gift cards included have made eating/saving money much easier. The first night we used the pizza gift card and I even got to leave and walk outside since I didn’t have to take the time to cook or buy anything.”
“It’s been scary because we are far from home but the Dr. Suess stuffed animal and book were perfect because that’s the theme we’ll be doing in her room once we finally get to take her home.”
“Your care package has made the visit to Cincinnati Children’s much more enjoyable.”
“The fuel card was so helpful since we travel 45 minutes each way, every day for 3 months for our child to get the treatment he needs.”
“The day we received the care package one of our daughters went into surgery and it was very uplifting knowing there were others out there who cared.”
“Our admission into the PICU was random and quite startling. Your generous care package put a smile on my family’s face and warmed our hearts.”